BOTL is a club that was founded as a means for our members to educate themselves and others about brewing beer, ciders and meads. We are all in this hobby as like minded individuals that have a thirst for knowledge and an appetite for an enjoyable time. Most of us are from Holland, MI and the surrounding communities.
We are accepting new members at this time.
For more information about our fine organization please email us at

Styles of each month:
January - Cider, Meads, Barleywine and Strong Ales
February - Belgian & French Ales, Lambics and funky stuff
March - English Ales, Milds and Scottish Ales
April -Alts, Kolsch, Hybrids and Lagers
May - Pale Ale, IPA and Ryes
## BREAK ##
September - Wheat, Weizens and Fest Beers
October - Ambers, Reds, Pumpkin and Spiced Ales
November – Browns, Porters and Stouts
December - Xmas Party Potluck. Your best beers.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Beer Facts

 Beer improves the state of blood vessels-
According to a study, arteries become more flexible and blood flow improves within hours when you drink a pint of beer, Authit Mail reports. A new study states that drinking a pint of beer actually improves the state of blood vessels around your heart.
 Here are some of the benefits:
-Beer is known to decrease the incidence of heart diseases by approximately 20 to 40 per cent. Though drinking beer is okay, you need to have it responsibly. Moderate consumption of beer results in an increase in HDL and a decrease in LDL along with an improvement in both.
-Beer is loaded with vitamins. According to a Dutch study, there was a remarkable 30 percent increase in vitamin B6 in beer drinkers.
-It is also known to decrease kidney stones.
-Beer is also believed to make your head clear. Drinking the right amount of beer is good for your mental health. The New England Journal of Medicine reported a preservation of mental acuity, especially in older women who drink alcohol moderately.
-There have been numerous studies that have shown that the consumption of moderate alcohol also decreases the incidence of Alzheimer's and improves memory, concentration and reasoning.
-Multiple studies have shown up to 50 percent reduction in the risk of strokes in moderate alcohol drinkers. The American Stroke Association have stated that two alcoholic drinks per day can decrease the incidence of stroke... but I'm sure you all ready knew that.

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